This isn’t a story about fillers. It’s about feeling like you.

Which, as it turns out, a lot of people decidedly don’t feel when looking in the mirror. So rather than expressing what people lack (lord knows the beauty industry already does enough of this), we wanted to celebrate what makes people feel the most like themselves. Making your children laugh, time spent with mom, singing your heart out, feeling at peace by the ocean. If JUVÉDERM plays a part in connecting what you see to how you feel, then that’s great; but really, the emotional core is this: do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with loved ones. You'll see the difference next time you catch your reflection.

How I helped:

pitch // brand strategy // campaign formation // film concepts + scripts // directing a 3-day shoot with 13 talent // film pre and post production


Agency: The Working Assembly
Creative Director: Jolene Delisle
Design Director: Morgan Stephens
Production: Minnow Productions
Photographer: Jenn Collins
Cinematographers: Erynn and Patrick Lamont
Edit House: Edio
Wardrobe Stylist: Christian Strobble
Makeup Artist: Paloma Alcantar
Hair Stylist: Ashley Lynn Hall
Special thanks to: Milk Studios

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